Why Do People Drive a Stick Shift?

Published by Lan on

In a modern era where almost everything is automated, the following percentage seems accurate. I feel that percentage unpleasantly makes me feel old…

The report from U.S. News and World Report show only 18 percent of U.S. drivers know how to operate a stick shift.


I personally rather drive a car with a manual transmission. All the cars that I’ve bought were a manual transmission. If there was an option for a manual transmission for a van – like a Sienna or an Odyssey – I’d get the stick shift. I recently got my significant other to drive a manual and she’s changed her mind about it being “too much work” to being “so fun to drive!”

Here was a great video I came upon from Gears and Gasoline for people out there who love having the third pedal or for those who wonder what’s so great about it. I’ll let the vid do the talking because it explains it perfectly.

Are you part of the 18%?