What cars were at Spocom Hawaii 2022? | Part 1

Published by Lan on

I, like many in the 50th state, had been teased for 3 long years when it came to Spocom. There was this back and forth of a show planned only to be cancelled because it was unsafe to do. It was for good reason as the planet Earth had started to stabilize when it came to the pandemic.

Only this time the show was happening. And damn did it deliver!

From the lens of a car enthusiast, the anticipation was well worth it – the car designs presented exceeded my expectations. I waited for close to an hour in line for a ticket to get in the venue, prolly the longest I’ve ever had to wait. Got to see and get reacquainted with some friends and other car designers again!

Now from a lens of photography, it was quite a bummer. The importance of balancing the triad of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed was a hard lesson learned for me this time around… When I finally looked at the pictures at home, what I was left with that was useable was far less than I had wanted. That was the bad news. The good news was I still had something, not all the designs that were at the show, but I had something.

The following is where I got majority of my shots in the exhibition hall, just unfortunate that it wasn’t all of them… Keep your eyes peeled for part 2 – the cars in the arena.

On a personal note, the one that I had a particular liking is at the top of the list. I hope that you enjoyed the show as much as I did!

This IS300 turned Altezza is by far my favorite design of the entire show. The car itself has been my favorite ever since I discovered the car existed in the late 90’s. While I don’t have other detailed shots of the car – though there are pics of it on the internet if you do a search – the coolest part is that this car is designed with OEM goodies and fitted with the infamous 2JZ engine with ITBs!

Another favorite had to be this NA miata at the hiddenpalmtree booth

Hope you enjoyed and keep those designs coming!