SCCA Hawaii 2024 – Race 4 Pt 2

Happy Friyay! (Or whatever day you happen to see this) – we’re back with some action shots on the track at SCCA Hawaii Race 4!
Because I was participating, I wasn’t able to get every single car that ran through – I’m unavailable to do so with 2 heats so shots are very limited. Panning shots are quite a craft in itself. Gotta get better at it. It’s challenging to get it quite right at these speeds… can’t really imagine how it’d be at those way higher speed races when 80 to 100 mph are commonplace…
One thing I want to heavily emphasize.
You do not need a <insert-a-descriptor-here-relating-to-modifications-such-as-“built”-“race”-“prepped”-or-similar> car in order to participate. If the car drives – albeit some limitations – then the car can be used.
Below is Jack’s Corolla. I hear its the same car he drops off/picks up his grandkids from school in. Can’t get any more “un-race” car than that I think.

In the future, I’ll do an autox day to be fully dedicated to media. That way I can capture everyone. Till then, check out the variety below!