SCCA Hawaii 2024 – Race 5

Ah race 5… such a bittersweet one.
This is the last one for 2024 for SCCA till August… Summer break that’s why.
Didn’t participate in this race as I wanted to dedicate it fully to media, and in return I offered to volunteer to do a work assignment. Reason being was I wanted to 1) work on my panning shots and 2) be able to get every single car on photo that attended that day… which I think I did…. well… I hope I did…
I contemplated those within the Rookie class this race. I commend them. It takes courage to come out to something new and unfamiliar. I met someone at this race that ended up parking in two places that they weren’t supposed to – something I did when I first started – not to mention getting information from course walking, drivers meeting, work assignment expectations, on top of thoughts of possibly embarrassing yourself…
Though I’m dramatizing it, it really isn’t that bad. The exhilaration of experiencing something an average person doesn’t usually to me is worth it.
The rookies are our reminder that “we are all from the same beginning” and a constant reminder of the journey – and continued journey – we take today. Again, I commend them.
For the Rookies, this post is for you – the past, the present, and the future ones!