SCCA Hawaii 2024 | Race 7

Welcome back RiceFam!
This week we bring to you a relatively short feature for SCCA Race 7, which just so happened to be during a time when a Hurricane Hone passed just below Hawaii. That means it brought winds and rain and as a saying goes, “Rain or shine, we race.”
We stop (cancel) racing when there’s lighting, or if cones start to float out of their spot.
That being said, it was very interesting this race.
There are a total of 4 heats throughout the day and the heat you run in is on a rotation every race. Heat 1 started off extremely rainy for the first 3 runs, then by the time run 4 happened, the track started to dry up. This led to very differing times from run 1 to run 4 – At one point we had a Miata be the fastest time of the day (at the time it had a time that was like 2 tenths faster than a R35)
Weather can be a real equalizer, and if you happen to go when it is raining, then that’s just how it is…
I’m torn with rain. On one hand it is really fun to drive in… but if you want to be fast, rain in less than ideal… but being fast while it is raining is a whole other ball game.
Remember Chi and his Miata? He came out for the very first time in his Miata. He told me he lowered it a lot since the shoot and actually had to raise it a little bit. Not gonna lie, its pretty low, but it def looks badass out there.
He did really well – I got to sit along side him as an instructor. He looked comfortable and didn’t seem “lost” out in the cones. I think on some good tires, he’d be able to progress well.
I also met Sheldon in his Sentra. Don’t see those very often, let alone modified. He and Chi had a friendly competition going.
As for pictures, the rain is really scary to shoot in. I didn’t catch much, but damn the lighting is so perfect.
Till next time RiceFam!

Tech inspection

Roel rollin up to tech

Drivers meeting