SCCA Hawaii 2019 | “Initial Post” | Race 8

Nice overcast on this Sunday Morning, which means no sun. Those are the best.

I almost topped out in 2nd gear for the first time in Run 1. I actually let go of the accelerator out of fear more than anything. I also forgot to turn off the traction control. It was a pretty mild run. Run 2 was a much better.
The car did not rev all the way to redline in Run 3 before the first turn around at the beginning. It’s happened in past races and it did end up with me getting a slower time. Is it an ignition issue perhaps? I’ve never changed the plugs since I’ve gotten the car…
Run 4 first turn around wasn’t too good. Went in too fast and I lost a lot of time there. Had the best time though, but there was a lot of room to be much faster.
Drove home and the AC wasn’t getting cold. Yet another thing I have to look into….