SCCA Hawaii 2019 | “Asking Around” | Race 10

First Circle

This season had quite a few “choose your direction” roundabouts and this race was no different. I think I tend to overthink (about a lot of factors, not just in autox) about decisions like this. My first instinct was to go clockwise (CW) because of a shorter distance, but it’d take more maneuverability – I would have to turn left, then right, then left again into the open slalom.
On the contrary, if I went counter-clockwise (CCW), then it would pretty much be a left turn all the way through. I would be on the inside of the turn, which would be easier to hug the cones going around because I can “see” the cones. Further, I’m just more comfortable making left turns.
Simply put, sometimes there is no set answer. Decisions like this are up to each driver taking into account his or her skill and preference.
Second Circle

The second turnaround was a little more intuitive for me. The previous slalom was a fast one and I opted to go CW – straight line brake and straight line out with the least amount of upsetting the car.
Final “S” Turn Section

This little area sparked up a bit of conversation amongst the drivers. White lines drawn on the road is a suggested path and to help drivers from getting lost. But in autox that doesn’t mean drivers cannot go over the solid lines, just as long as they follow the course and clear cones they need to.
This is a weakness of mine just because it’s embedded in me when first learning to drive to generally not cross solid lines when on main roads. During autox, I have a tendency to follow where the lines are drawn and I was challenged to think outside of the line this time around. Though it looks like an “S” turn, there was no cone to force drivers to drive it that way – it was a really open space.
“What’s to stop someone from just taking a right, bee-lining it to the cone and just turing left into the finish?” someone asked one of the Chiefs.
“Nothing,” was the response. “At the expense of taking that sharp left. The timing light is offset and you’ll trip it later because you’ll be further out”
It was interesting hearing the conversations and theories going around me because I love hearing others’ insights.
Overall I liked the course! However, I was not happy about again mis-shifting in Run 3. I’m anxious about it not going into gear for two races in a row… I’m thinking a transmission fluid change is in order. I can do it the same time as the oil change because that’s due soon too.
In regards to my mis-shifting, apparently there’s something called a shift “lockout” in 8th generation Civics where the car is unable to go into gear at high RPMs due to a delay valve in the factory clutch master cylinder (CMC). The remedy? It involves swapping an EM1 clutch master cylinder from Hybrid racing. I’ll look more into it later if it’s absolutely necessary. I hear swapping the CMC is a pain…