S2000 Air Suspension Install | Air Lift 3P | Part 3

The Airlift 3P really is an all-included kit. It has several parts for different car applications so not all of the components are going to be used. Everything needed to get it running on the S2K will be there so there’s no need to go to the hardware store for anything…

The all-in-one harness from Airlift as as simple as it’s going to get. Everything that needs to be hooked up comes from the harness – power, ignition, controller, etc.

3P Accessory Wire (with the ENDO accessory wire)
Recall the accessory wire from the ENDO system in the previous post. The red ignition wire from the 3P harness is the same function and should be routed together to the fuse box on the driver’s side.

Use a butt connector to fuse both accessory wires together to a 3A fuse holder and to the smaller fuse tap from the 3P kit and route as shown. The pic below unfortunately shows the bigger fuse tap which’ll not work… a later pic will show the correct one to use for the S2K.

The panel in the driver’s foot-well shows the diagram of the fuses under the dash. Locate the 15A fuel pump fuse, remove it, attach to the smaller fuse tap, and replace. The pic below shows the one to use.

Power for the 3P
Powering the 3P management is no where near involved as the ENDO system install. Further inspection of the harness will lead to 2 sets of power and ground wires. The shorter ones will be unused and the longer set of the two is the one’s that are needed. The routing of these wires will follow the same path as the ENDO’s power wires.

(note: I’m not certain of the schematic of the 3P harness, but I’m curious to know if the shorter power/ground can be used and instead put in the empty 4th port of the wire tap Bagriders Compressor Power Kit.)
Once through the firewall, the ground wire can be hooked up appropriately and the power wire can be connected to 20A fuse holder with a butt connector. Don’t forget about the terminal connector for the ends of the wires too! All components included in the kit.

Aaaaaaaaand that’s it for the hook up of the 3P system! Next time we throw on the suspension components on the S2k.