S2000 Air Suspension Install | Accuair ENDO | Part 2

Having going over what we’re working with for the bag install, part two of this multipart series is putting together the Accuair ENDO system.
Pre-Installation Prep
Removing the carpet, spare tire in the trunk, both front seats, and some panels is necessary for routing wiring. There are a lot of clips that need to be removed in order to take the carpet out in the trunk. Make sure to keep them in a safe place so they can be put back later…

The picture below shows the trunk completely empty, but I ended up putting the deck portion, spare tire parts, and carpet back. It made a nice flat spot to put the Endo tank on temporarily.

As for the seats, there are two 12mm bolts for the front and two 14mm bolts in the rear. There are also some harness clips underneath that need to be disconnected before the seat can come out completely.

The door sill, foot-well panel, b-pillar panel, and rear panel behind the seats needs to be removed to get space accessible to run all the wiring for a clean install. The door sill easily pops up. Just pull firmly. Once that is out it’s clear what needs to be removed so that the foot-well, b-pillar and rear panel can come out. Both the driver’s and passenger’s side need to be done.

Once all is out for both the driver and passenger, the final result below is good enough to get going.

Power Wires for the ENDO System
The compressor inside the tank needs a power source. The provided ENDO power harness can be used as is, if the car battery is in the trunk. If not, Bagriders has a purchasing option of a “Single AccuAir ENDO Compressor Power Kit” for applications with the battery in the engine bay.

Included are two 4 gauge wires with connecting components. For the S2K we’ll mod the ENDO power harness.
The power (red) plug has 6 wires coming from it, 3 red (power) and 3 black (ground) that needs to be cut, stripped, inserted and tightened into the wire tap included in the power kit and attached and connected to its respective bigger gauge copper wire.

Routing of the Wires
The power wires will go from the trunk, through a space behind where the spare tire was located, along side the door sill, and up to a firewall hole right where the battery will be. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Remove the battery at this point if it isn’t. Luckily, there are no factory wires running through the channel making for a really convenient location to run the flexible, but large power wires. Make note of this route as the 3P power lines will follow this path too.

Notice how I didn’t mention to splice in the fuse holder onto the power wire? Now would be a much better time to do it after passing it through the firewall. Don’t forget to take the fuse from the ENDO harness and attach it to the new fuse holder.

ENDO Accessory Wire
The accessory (blue) plug has a few wires coming from it but the one that matters for this is the orange one. This wire signals the ENDO system to turn on. It’ll need to be connected to an ignition source – make a note of this for now as I’ll get to where it’ll hook up to next time…

That’s it for power to the ENDO system. Next time will be hooking up Airlift’s 3P system. Stay tuned RICECARDRIVERS!