New Wheels!

Those who’ve been following me know I’ve been teasing these wheels for some time now. Many people sent their guess to what they were – the majority being Work wheels – but no one got the answer correct :p.

Searching for new wheels for the civic, as simple of a task that might seem, became unnecessarily stressful for me. I have a bad habit of overthinking everything. #analyticalmind #agiftandacurse.
Of course, I didn’t need new wheels and I didn’t have to spend the money for it even though I did have some funds… but this actually came at unprecedented timing.
Back in the early 2000s I saw a wheel and instantly fell in love with it. It was light, simple, and… well, white, which was my desired wheel color at the time. The problem was that for a relatively older wheel they were very expensive, especially for a college person like myself. I guess the price was justified… but I couldn’t afford it and didn’t want to fork over that kind of money.
This wheel is the Desmond Regamaster. Never heard of em? A quality wheel that has stood the test of time. Period.
Fortunately there was a replica that Rota manufactured – the infamous Slipstream. I actually had a set on my 1999 Civic when I got into autoxing… it wasn’t the real thing, but it served its purpose and scratched the itch a little.

Fast forward to May 2019
I inadvertently came across a website pre-ordering a new version of the Regamaster, but my hopes faded just as fast because there was no spec that I liked. I disappointedly did more research on the matter just to entertain myself and was directed to Matt at ICB Motorsports. I noticed that more Regamasters were going to be delivered in June in specs that were of use to me!
I admit, I spent time stressing on which ones I was going to order and bitting the bullet on a set of them – they aren’t exactly cheap. But after some back and forth emails with Matt, albeit a little reluctantly, the payment was finalized.
They came in not too soon after Matt said they would. I made a teaser post about them and a few other upcoming surprises.
The Future
As of this writing, I mounted the wheels with BA (stands for Basically Awesome :p) tires for the first time at the latest autox Test and Tune. Incredible, mind-blowing, and astounding are understatements of this combo. That deserves a post on its own in the future.
I decided on the red stickers, but I don’t know if I wanna put the EVO sticker on the spoke… should I? I wanna shout out to Matt again at ICB for the replying to my emails timely and for helping me in the process.
I’ll leave these picture for the time being, but I’ll have pics of the wheels on the car for next time. I hope you like them as much as I do! I’ll say, it’s pretty cool to be owning a set of my dream rims…
Stay tuned DRIVERS!