How-To: JDM Civic Sedan Rear Conversion | 8th Gen | 2006-2011

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I made this how-to back in 2017 in my efforts to convert the rear end of my 8th gen civic to its japanese counterpart. I dunno why Honda just didn’t keep it looking the same for the US market to begin with – it’s infinitely better looking in my opinion…
The Parts
A “working” conversion just requires replacing the trunk and the lights, but getting the lights to bolt up requires some cutting of the frame. You don’t need to replace the bumper for the Japanese one, but the lights won’t sit flush with the US bumper and it’ll stick out a little. It doesn’t bother me.
License Plate Lights
The bulbs swap over, but the US housings do not swap over to the Japan trunk. You’ll need a set that does, unless it already comes with the trunk you’re getting. Mines did. I’ll also mention that the trunk bevel (the long plastic piece that goes around the trunk lights) may or may not come with the trunk. Mines also did.
Reverse Lights
The US reverse light socket doesn’t fit the JDM lights – you’ll need a socket that does. In addition, the “reverse” on the US civic are on the outermost lights in contrast to the Japanese ones that plug into the lights on the trunk. The wiring for the reverse lights need to be extended so that it can reach where it plugs into the innermost lights.
I took the appropriate sockets and attached them to long wires that trailed to the original reverse socket and held in place by the original reverse bulb. No need to cut factory wires. The vid at the bottom shows what I’m talking about at the 1:42 mark.
The Vid
This would’ve/should’ve/could’ve been put it on the RICECARDRIVER YouTube, but this was done before the mere thought of a blog. As of this writing it’s my most viewed vid and elicited some useful comments/questions. It’ll just stay where it is and I’m thrilled it was of good use. Come to think of it, I dunno why I didn’t put this up on the blog the first place… it should’ve been here a long time ago haha.
I’ll be sure to put the JDM front end conversion on the RICECARDRIVER channel… If that ever comes about…
Enjoy and keep DRIVING!