How to Install Air Suspension on an S2000 | Routing the Air Lines | Part 5

With the ENDO system hooked up and the 3P powered, it’s time to run the air lines. There are two choices on where the lines are gonna go – inside or outside the car. It’s personal preference but I run the lines outside the car.
Why did I end up running the lines outside? I figure that if anything happens to go wrong with the airlines, I don’t have to rip apart the interior again to fix it.
Wouldn’t the airlines exposed on the outside potentially cause the lines to get messed up? That’s a legit concern, but make sure that the airlines are DOT spec – they hold up way better than non-DOT spec. Heavy-duty semi trucks and buses use the same type of airline.
The lines should be zip-tied and tucked out of the way of rubbing and cleared of moving components, which is a must for anything. If that’s done, then there is nothing to worry about. I’ve done this to the civic and have had no issues with any of the airlines for a few years now.
If you prefer to tuck your lines on the interior, go for it!
Access Port
This is another one of those moments where I feel like this car was made to be bagged. Just behind the driver’s side rear strut, there’s a black rubber grommet that plugs a factory hole. This is where I ran the lines from the trunk to the outside.

Driver Rear Sample

Connecting to the PTC fitting (upper left) on the braided steel line that goes to the bag
Above is a quick picture sampling how I ran 1 of the 4 airlines. Below is a video detailing where I ran the rest of the air lines and almost everything else involving wiring of the system.
One thing that I didn’t document was that after each line was connected, I tested for leaks by using a solution of dish soap and water in a spray bottle. Spray on anything where a connection was made:
- Airline and manifold
- Airline and PTC fitting
- PTC fittings into the tank
There could be a leak anywhere. Comment below on where you’ve discovered leaks.
That concludes the S2000 air series! It was quite a project to do and I enjoyed it. Hope that the writeups have been of some help to you and if there are any questions, don’t be afraid to contact me.
Till next time guys! Keep DRIVING!