Hondafest NW 2024 | Part 4

Another week and another feat! Welcome back Ricecardrivers.
This week we finally conclude the last set of pics I have left from our quick stay over in Seattle for Hondafest. (part 2) (part 3)
I’ve said it before and I will never stop emphasizing that seeing other designs and builds outside of the islands is such a great thing to see. Not only is it a breath of fresh air to see builds that you don’t usually see, but it’s so great to see how the community of car enthusiasts are consistent, even in a different state.
Not exclusive to this show, but I’ve observed cars that were built for drag racing and cars that are built for the track. I’ve also seen cars that look like they are built for drag racing or track and have never been on a track by choice. I’ve also seen cars where every component has every (insert expensive or state-of-the-art) part available, but for most of its life it sits in a garage.
Some cars are designed and built and actually used on a track and others are designed and built – not for the track – but for the desire and delight of just building “nice” cars.
And – possible hot take – from a RICECARDRIVER perspective, that’s totally effing fine. Everyone has a place – no matter how plain or extravagant.
I’m envious of what is possible in the mainland versus how limited we are in Hawaii – especially when it comes to motorsports events… I really want to check out the drifting scene too eventually…
On to the pics! SEA do me a solid please and let me know if you know who these belong to!
Enjoy RiceFam!