Hondafest NW 2024 | Part 3

Welcome back RiceFam to another Fri-yay!
I do really appreciate those who come back week after week every Friday to check out what feature we have to show for. I thank you whole-heartly.
I will say that recently a lot of “life-changing” events have and will transpire – personal stuff – and I don’t want it to get too much in the way of “car stuff” because I really do enjoy it as well as honored to have met the people – both old and new – from the scene. I also do want to experiment with some other ways to showcase car coverage and the car community.
That being said, I know I still owe it to a lot of people who want to give their time to meet up to do a shoot for a feature. Again, I haven’t forgotten, I’ve just been plastered with higher priorities at the moment – along with the challenges of myself of having “free-time” limited to weekends.
For this week is part 3 of my visit to Seattle for Hondafest 2024 – (Part 1) and (Part 2) – I say again that I absolutely love the concept for this… not just a car show, but also an opportunity to either drag race or run some laps on the Kent Raceway track. I believe it was open to both spectators and participants in the show. Ingenious.
To the fellow enthusiasts in Seattle – or anyone for that matter – please let me know who these people are if you know them!
See you next week!

Was able to catch this EF screaming down the track.




@sheldonyagyagan doing his thing


There were some great designs in the VIP parking lot too.

There was a Mark just like this one by @thewagondragon that I saw in Japan. Had to double take…
