Hondafest NW 2024 | Part 1

Published by Lan on

Frankly, I didn’t think that the first show outside of Hawaii I’d see would be out of Seattle… nothing against the place at all, but circumstances just lined up to allow it to be that way when I attended Wekfest Seattle last year (part 2) (part 3)

After experiencing that show, I knew that I had to come back and one year later, here I am. My other half insisted that I either attend Wekfest Seattle or Hondafest of this year and I opted for the latter. How could I not as it’s its 10-year anniversary!

Again, the car scene in Seattle really hammers it down especially this one as it features Hondas – the gateway brand into my getting into cars in the first place.

First off, I really commend the logistics of the show… having a car show and incorporating motorsports lead-follow and a drag racing as well? I couldn’t have asked for a better combination. Made me envious… its hard to do something like this back on the islands…

Secondly, didn’t have a feature last Friday, so you RiceFans definitely deserve something this week. Its a relatively short post so stay tuned for more next time!

Lastly, PLEASE Seattle, do me a favor and help me recognize who these belong to! Thanks!!!

I recently found out that these two beauties belong to @vtecpwr. Goals!

@m3deoo took home best of show! How many USDM ITRs you see nowadays?

I’m biased, but I did spend quite a bit of time checking out this 8th civic by @chanelspeedboat