3 More Things I Learned About Photography Using a 50mm Prime Lens

Published by Lan on

When it came to picture taking, I never thought of it much. I’m a point-and-shoot kind of guy. I tried my hand at using a DSLR years ago and lost interest just as quickly. I did learn some basic principles:

  1. Don’t need an advanced or expensive camera to take “nice” pictures
  2. Composition is priority
  3. Post-processing images doesn’t “cover-up” things, it enhances

However, I recently got hold of an old Canon T5 and my bro loaned me his 50mm prime lens.

And my scope of photography expanded… Like really broadened.

The prime lens alone made taking pictures a lot more interesting and fun but difficult and frustrating at the same time. It elicited some shots I’m particularly proud of.

The following four pictures were taken at 50mm and 100 ISO with varying shutter speeds and apertures.

That all said, I add to my above list:

  1. Don’t need an advanced or expensive camera to take “nice” pictures
  2. Composition is priority
  3. Post-processing images doesn’t “cover-up” things, it enhances
  4. Lighting is an extremely key factor in how a picture turns out
  5. The lens matters more than the camera itself
  6. Learn to use other settings than AUTO

With the kinds of pictures I like taking, I think a 50mm prime is all I need… and maybe a 35mm?

I developed a whole new respect for photographers and their art form. It really is no joke… but I get why: it’s really fun! It’s also an interesting learning curve. I’m trying to find more cars to take pictures of now! So… anyone willing? I’d DRIVEN to write more features!

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